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Our Ride Ethos - We're all about safety, fun, improving fitness and comradeship. Group riding is about learning/experiencing riding with other cyclists around you.

If you are looking for ultra competitive riding and racing, there are probably other groups that would better suit your needs, but please get in touch to discuss what you're after. During the last third of the ride, some riders may wish to increase tempo, but no-one will be left to ride home alone (unless they are winning!!).


Riding Groups

Group 1 - Wise Owls

They know that a straight line is the shortest distance to the coffee shop

Leisure: < 24 km/hr average

Group 2 - Komodo Dragons

Surprisingly quick, sharp tongued assassins who strike early then wait for you to fade before moving in for the kill

Middle Range: 24+ km/hr average

Group 3 - Silver Foxes

Well rounded individuals, born to ride semi-hard

Not So Fast: 27+ km/hr average

Group 4 - Ferrets

Lithe, athletic, difficult to catch and harder to like

Fast: 30+ km/hr average

Wednesday Rides

If you're looking for social riding, here's the group for you! Matamata Recreational Peddlers have weekly rides on Wednesday mornings leaving from the Matamata Primary School flagpole on Broadway at 09:00am. Most of the riders have e-bikes and the focus is on getting out and being active, rather than covering distances. The ride route and groups will be determined on the day. For more details email Neal Butt nealbitunes@gmail.com

With the days shortening and all the daylight having been saved over summer, the Wednesday evening rides now leave from outside the Catholic Chiurch on Hohaia St at 3:00pm. The ride route and groups will be determined on the day. You must have a rear light as a minimum but we strongly advise that you have both front & rear. We'll be back in town before it gets too dark.

Sunday Rides

The Sunday morning rides leave from Matamata Primary School flagpole on Broadway at 09:00am. Please be there at least 5 minutes before the ride is due to start for a quick ride briefing prior to departure. Please refer to the Location Maps page for the start location.

WEDNESDAY MORNING RECREATIONAL PEDDLERS RIDE 9:00AM - Contact Neal nealbitunes@gmail.com
Sunday, 12th May 2024
Blow out some cobwebs on Morgan Road! Earn that cake at RH by grinding your way through this one! A great advertisement for electric bikes, I'm picking there'll be more discontent than a home-owner whose fixed mortgage is about to come up for renewal. This one's a bit like a blind date. You go into it with a little bit of hope, but your heart sinks when you meet at the starting point and you realise what you'll be riding later. No more than 10 minutes after you started you wish you were having your back waxed by a naked sumo wrestler, whilst covered in jelly and sawdust singing "Unchained Melody". Halfway up the second hill, you find out there's no alcohol in your drink (bottle) and a night of unbridled passion with your mother-in-law seems like it would be a pleasant distraction. By the end, as you pull into Robert Harris, more tired than a reporter who's spent the day trying to get an answer out of Winston, you'll struggle to slot your bike into the bike stand (when did my bike get so HEAVY??) 73 minutes after everyone else arrived, and you'll wish that you had instead decided to go well, anywhere else really. Despite this, people keep telling me it's good for me. I must confess that I only half listen, because they're only half my bloody weight and they've had 73 more minutes at the cafe than me. Please stop telling me what's good for me. If I'd wanted self-righteous pr1ck5 telling me what to do I'd have voted for them! See you Sunday
Route 2 - Check it out here!

Start Matamata Primary School flagpole, L Broadway, (straight through roundabouts with care) S Peria, L Peria, R Morgan, L Piakoiti, R Piakonui, R Paratu, L Morrinsville-Walton, R Kiwitahi Station, R Milliken, L Morrinsville-Walton, R Piakoiti, S Henry Watson, L Matai, R Station and home to Robert Harris.
(Approx. 63km).

Route 3 - Check it out here!

Start Matamata Primary School flagpole, L Broadway, (straight through roundabouts with care) S Peria, L Peria, R Morgan, L Piakoiti, R Piakonui, R Paratu, L Morrinsville-Walton, L Chepmell, R Bell, R Morrinsville-Walton, L Kiwitahi Station, R Milliken, L Morrinsville-Walton, R Piakoiti, S Henry Watson, L Matai, R Station and home to Robert Harris.
(Approx. 72km).

Tail End Charlie this week - TBD on the day
Sunday, 19th May 2024
For those who are interested in a change of pace, dust off the trail bikes and meet at the Crossing at Tauriko at 10am. We're riding from the Crossing to the Mount, having a cuppa and a bite to eat, then home via Matapihi. Bring the family along for a great day out in the sunny Bay! (Approx. 18km each way)

To get to the start point just follow the map below. Turn right towards the Crossing at the round-about at the bottom of the hill after Tauriko, then pull in to the parking area as shown in the photo of the black ute. See you there for a 10am start!

Those who would rather stay home to ride without clucking about driving over the hill, chick out below......

Hens' Teeth
Don't chicken out! Flying the coop when the cock crows at 9am sharp we'll be off to visit the iconic Inghams factory. Not sure what they do there, but some rooster told me that every chick who went through the gates got laid, so I presume it's much like that night club which used to be on the main street of Matamata. Anyway, be on the lookout for chickens crossing the road. I don't know why; never thought to ask. Don't forget to look after your riding mates, so if you think you're up to it, go free range at the front for a bit. Don't baulk, baulk, baulk at the challenge, but try not to be too cocky, ruffle any feathers, or scramble the group. You should only put the heat on until someone cracks (sometimes it only takes 3 minutes before it gets hard - right Kev?). Remember to always be chicken abreast of, and behind you to make sure all of our Peddlers eggs are in one basket. If there's a gap in the group when you're chicken, fillet. On the sunny-side though, this ride's not too bad. The hills aren't eggxactly double yolkers, you'll go over-easy and won't be fried by the time you get back for a cuppa (and, if you're absolutely plucked, a lay down). As far as rides go, this one's hard to beat. I'm off, these yolks are rotten, the pay is poultry and someone's bound to cry fowl on the joke about the night club. I'm far enough down the pecking order as it is, without getting my wings clipped, so I'm going before someone pokes their beak in and tells me to cluck off. See you Sunday. Cock-a-doodle-do join us!
Route 2 - Check it out here!

Start Matamata Primary School flagpole, L Broadway, (straight through roundabout with care) S Peria, R Gunn, S Landsdowne, R Morrinsville-Walton, L Campbell, R Kereone, S Diagonal, S McLaren, R Manawaru, R Wardville, L SH27, L Walker, R Ward, L Waharoa East and home to Robert Harris.
(Approx. 53.5km as the chick flicks)

Route 3 - Check it out here!

Start Matamata Primary School flagpole, L Broadway, (straight through roundabout with care) S Peria, R Gunn, S Landsdowne, R Morrinsville-Walton, L Campbell, L Kereone, R Maungakawa, R SH27, L Ngarua, R Waihekau, R Piraunui, L School, R Manawaru, L Shaftesbury, R Te Aroha-Gordon, S Old Te Aroha, R Okauia Springs, L Tower and home to Robert Harris.
(Approx. 74.2km as the cock limps).

Tail End Charlie this week - TBD on the day
Matamata Peddlers Cycling Club, Matamata, New Zealand

